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2024-07-22 05:48:15 UTC









Ham Radio Videos

• Sussex County Amateur Radio Club Inc - 2M Net

Added at 2013-11-09 09:27:40

by DO7FOX, 1095 views

Thank you for the opportunity to run another great net!

A reminder we have a General class coming up on 11/9/2013, details can be found at

This weekend Bara will be holding a hamfest, details can be found @ On the net, we spoke about a lot.

Concrete Antenna Foundations

Grounding your Shack Make sure you have your shack grounded and remember there is a difference between grounds.

Lightening Is your shack ready for a lightening strike? Make sure you have steps to protect your shack.

Coax Loop Drip When you bring coax into the shack, a loop could help with lightening and also rain water into your shack. Lightening likes to go in a strait line.

PVC Not all PVC is created equal and some types of PVC could create RF issues. A test could consist of placing a small section 1" with some water into the microwave and see if it gets hot. If it does, it can create RF issues. It was suggested grey pipe could have issues and white can be a better selection when it comes to insulators.
Great book suggestion, Checked in:
WA2UAH gave me the opportunity to be net control and work with him on the club web site. I overheard him talking about the net and shortly before the string ran out on 147.30 he said I was doing a stand up job. The club web site would not be what is is today without his endless desire to keep it up-to-date and live with new additions.

I learned a lot from him, thank you recliner mobile!
Feel free to email me any questions,!

73 all,

Frank D. Brunke - w2fdb


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