Ham Radio Videos
• TEN TEC OMNI Vl Model 563
Added at 2012-10-10 16:34:51
showing 100 watt output on 40 and 10 meters., and other functions of the omni 6, also tested ssb operation , made SSB qso on 7170 MHz to W. Virginia useing 65 watts and a Inverted V antenna and a ten tec 706 mic. 2,11,2012, forgot to mention it has a built in iambic keyer. check the video ten tec omni Vl 563 and paragon 585, in my opinion, the SSB sound is as good on the omni as on the tt orion. no 1, 2 0r 3 mods on this omni, the antenna tuner is reading a little high SWR and Reflected power which can be tuned better.