Ham Radio Videos
• Jim LEE G4AEH on GB80PW
Added at 2012-10-03 11:34:16
Jim Lee G4AEH took a break from announcing duties on BBC Radio 4 to come down to Bournemouth on the train to join the Practical Wireless team to put our Special Event callsign GB80PW on the air on Saturday September 15th 2012 at G3XFD's QTH. Jim couldn't join un on September 13th for the actual 80th anniversary operation but was determined to join us again (Jim operated GB75PW from the Leicester Show at Donington five years ago). Also in view is Phil Ciotti G3XBZ, Chairman of the Poole Amateur Radio Society (regular operator on GB80PW) and G3XFD's voice can be heard too! The weather was superb and when not on the microphone we could relax on the lawn and enjoy a picnic. We were extremely busy on 7MHz all day and we've placed this video on YouTube so that our many friends who helped us to celebrate PW's 80th year can see what it was like at the GB80PW end. The shack was tidier than usual! The rig in use was G3XFD's Alinco DX SR8 transceiver, running approximately 80W into a 3.5 to 29MHz inverted V dipole, about 40ft high in the centre, fed by Spectrum Communications lightweight balanced twin feeder. Thanks for watching and we hope if you didn't work GB80PW in September -- you'll manage it during the October, November or December on-the-air sessions! 73 Rob.