Ham Radio Videos
• K1N - still no joy
Added at 2015-02-17 15:28:57
This is the worst DXpedition I have ever ever experienced on amateur radio in my 20 years of operating as a licensed ham radio operator. I suppose it doesn't help that the expedition operators are running a massive split which makes it quite difficult. However, the biggest problem is all the people who keep shouting on the receiving frequency. I am not talking about the people who don't realise they are running a split, I'm talking about the people who are acting as the ham radio police and think they are doing everybody a good service by continuing to talk on the frequency, they are causing more problems than anyone else. And I certainly don't agree with the comments people are busy making about using numbers. They normally start off with the number 1 which means anyone with 0 in a callsign has got to wait for bloody hours, like we did the other day, no thank you, I'll take my chances calling and hope for the best. If they are going to work numbers, spend no more than 5 min on each number, then at least people don't have to wait for too long.