I got my first license in 1990. At that time, I operated only in the local radioclub station YU3DKR. One year later I got my first callsign YZ3BZD. In 1992, after Slovenia separated from Yugoslavia, my callsign changed to S57BZD. In 1995 I passed first class exam and got my present callsign. Since 2001 I was only active in S53DKR, S59DKR and in some S50G activities (family, new QTH, etc...). In 2012 I assembled my old equipment together, put up some antennas, and got active again under my own callsign.
From the home location I am active mainly on CW contests on shortwave with 100W. For major VHF/UHF contests, especially for IARU and for Marconi Memorial, I put up portable 8m high tower with antennas for 2m, 70cm and 23cm. Ufortunately I have lots of hills around me (totally blocked from SE to SW), so majority of QSO's are done via avio-scatter or reflection from Alps.
On the profile photo is me operating from S59DKR radioclub station.
If we had QSO and you are outside of Europe, you are already fulfilling condition for “Radio club Škofja Loka Award”. If you are from Europe, you have to make another QSO with me on another band/mode or with other member of Radio club Škofja Loka and you can send request for the award. Complete award rules are here.
73, Sandi
TS-790E with UT-10 module (for 23cm)
160-10m Windom @20m
80m dipole @10m
40/80m vertical / 160m Inverted-L (made with 18m Spiderbeam fiberglass pole)
6-band Hexbeam (20-6m) @10m
Aerial-51 404UL OCF Inverted V for portable operations
RX antenna (2x small loop) with LZ1AQ amplifier
Cuchcraft 13 el. 2m Yagi
DK7ZB 23 el. 70cm Yagi
DL6WU 44 el. 23cm Yagi
F9FT Cross Yagi (2m: 9 el. / 70cm: 19 el.)
DK7ZB portable Yagi (2m: 5 el. / 70cm: 9 el.)
GP (2m/70cm)