Hello and greetings from Dartmoor, (WFF reference GFF 004 ) thanks for looking me up on QRZ, I am active on 80 to 10 metres and 2 metres and 70 cms locally. Shack and antennas are simple as you can see below but give me a lot of enjoyment.
I live in a small village which sits on the eastern side of the Dartmoor National Park, I am a Paramedic working in nearby Newton Abbot. Previous (still listed) calls M6AIV and 2E0CKY.
Interested in radio, aviation, kayaking, photography amongst many other hobbies! I have a great love of Cumbria and the Lake District..always pleased to hear from and work stations in that area!
Also connected to the internet!
Information on Dartmoor
60 meter band operation.
On this band I have a simple but effective (it seems!) antenna system, originally for 80 metres and as a backup tx rx antenna. It consists of 124 feet of wire in an inverted L, with 3 x 1 metre earth rods and a very nice quality 9 to 1 unbalanced to unbalanced transformer from Balun Designs in the USA. 50 ohm coax back to the MFJ tuner, and it works well on tx and rx.
The antenna follows a suggestion from the transformer suppliers, so with the length taken from the cutting guide I have made a simple but effective antenna. Its is almost as good (on 40 meters) as my inverted V which I use on that band with the same 100 watts of power.
As of November 2014 I have also made a dipole for 60 metres which generally has a better signal to noise ratio, and better reports received and given over the Inverted L. I still make use of the L though, sometimes is does give an advantage on 60 metres.
I operate portable on 60 metres when I get the chance, with a Yaesu FT817and a portable inverted V, usually from Dartmoor
I keep a watch on the top part of the band on a regular basis always up for a sked or some antenna tests on this band!
I am one of several GB2RS news readers on 60 meters, listen on 5398.5 normally on a Sunday at 1600 UK time, currently 1500UTC, you might hear me!
Current station:
Icom IC-718, Yaesu FT-817, Yaesu FT-60E, Yaesu FT-2800M,
Baofeng UV-5R , and UV5RC. Tait ex PMR for 2 metres
MFJ 941E Versa Tuner, LDG Z817 ATU,
BHI noise cancelling speaker.
Yaesu VR120 and VR 500 wide band scanning receivers.
Offset Dipole for 40 to 10 metres (excluding 12 metres)
Inverted Vs for 12 and 40 metres(also used on 15 metres)
Inverted L primarily for 60/80 metres but back up antenna with ATU on most HF bands.
Dipole for 60 metres centred on 5.3 mhz
Comet GP3 VHF/UHF vertical, and a portable Inverted V link dipole for 60 to 17 metres.