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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-03-07 02:58:08 UTC









Active user REPEATER

activity index: 0 of 5

Joseph B WIcker

New Albany 38652
United States, MS

united states
image of k5yvy

Call data

Last update:2019-07-28 19:59:16
Main prefix:K
Federal state:MS
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:3738575

QSL data

Last update:2019-07-28 19:56:19
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES

Repeater information

RX Freq: 146.745 MHz
TX Freq: 146.145 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
CTCSS: 88.5 Hz


ECHOLINK Node# 471348 (K5YVY-L) Welcome all connections and links
This connection with either be on 146.520 simplex or 146.745 repeater.

I grew up listening to my dad, great uncles, and others on 11 meters. I had a intrest in radio from that but never really caught the "bug" for 11 meters. I got my amateur ticket back in 2003, what got me interested in Ham radio was hearing of how radio was used in storm spotting and listening to local Skywarn nets on a scanner. I had always had a passion for all sorts of weather. While studying for my Tech in 2003 I began to realized how much more could be done with radio. My passion for the hobby has continued to grow, now an extra class and enjoy various contesting, making antennas, just anything radio.

I have been in the law enforcement field since 2006. Went to college for computer programming...not real sure what happened there.

I prefer paper cards. You may QSL by LoTW, eQSL, or direct to my listed address. I will return a card for cards recieved.

North Mississippi Storm Chasers and Spotters is a group I founded for area severe weather spotters and chasers that has grown greatly to a very orginaized group. Recently became a radio club with call sign KG5DBW . NMSCAS Facebook page here.

An Elder , WB5TTM(SK), really blessed me with serveral new items for my radio hobby before he passed. I can't thank him enough for his contribution of very useful items that will help me continue to adventure in the world of radio.


Kenwood TM281 2 meter (APRS Digirepeater/Remote VoIP base) Ringo Ranger vertical.
Icom 880 dstar to a 40' tower with Hygain VB214FM yagi.
HF: icom 7300 out to a GAP Titan DX vertical 80-10m for 6m out to a Ringo AR-6
Mobile: Yaesu 2m
Work truck: I have yaesu dual band I use to montor HAM, other public safety agenices, FRS, Marine, etc.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Rev. 7455f1e5ba