Licenced in 1977 - Interested in homebrew equipment for HF, rag chewing, chasing DX, contesting and portable QRP operation from home and abroad with the minimum of equipment using only CW.
Now back on the air after a lengthy period of absence (1995 - 2020) due to work, family etc., and with retirement it was time to revitalise my passion for amateur radio. Much has changed in the hobby and there is a lot to be learned, so head down, bum up and enjoy!
Logbooks for the period prior to 1995 are still in paper format as with my awards.
Logs here reflect 2020 onwards.
Hope to meet you on the air!
SKCC 22415, FISTS 20011, CWOPS 3577, RNARS 2205, G-QRP 869, G-QRP Master 17, QRPARCI 16993, NAQCC 11825
Worked DXCCs:
Kenwood TS890S/TS590SG paired + TL922 Amp
Various homebrew QRP transceivers with outboard transverters for 80 thru 10m (for home and portable use).
Optibeam 5 band yagi.
80,40 and 30 meter dipoles
Inverted L for 160 meters