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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-05-05 16:57:36 UTC









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Ronald Edgar Zoz

Greenwich 44837
United States, OH

united states

Call data

Last update:2019-06-08 21:32:05
Main prefix:K
Federal state:OH
US county:Huron
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:597859

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QSL data

Last update:2019-06-08 21:34:10
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES


My daughter Gayla, age 12 and I became novices in 1974. Gayla came home in 1974 with a book on Amateur Radio and said she would like to do it, We looked up a friend Bob (W8AQB) and he guided us through the novice 5 wpm code and theory test and we became Ron, WN8DCK and Gayla WN8DDR. Bob took us to local hamfest picked us out a rig: a Heathkit SB-102 with a power supply and a dipole for 40 meters. and we were in business. We worked the 40 meter novice band for six months or so. I had trouble getting to 13 wpm, Gayla did it nothing flat. We had to go to Detroit FCC office to take the test for a General license.

in 1975, we traveled to Detroit to take our General code and theory test. Gayla passed the theory and code test. I passed only the theory test and then proceeded to flunk the 13wpm code test. That made WD8DDR a general and her father WD8DCK a technician. A tech at that point in time was pretty much limited to two meters and I didn't have a two meter radio. My code speed went up quite fast and a couple of months later it was off to the Detroit FCC Office we travelled. I was able to pass the 13wpm code requirement this time and Gayla and I sat for the Advanced test. I was able to pass the Advanced theory test so now I had Advanced ticket phone privileges. Gayla was still a General. By this time, our Heathkit SB-102 was joined by a SB-220 linear amp and a Mosely TA-33 Beam for 10, 15 and 20 meters, and of course the associated accessories.

In the early 1980s, I was going to Detroit to take the Amateur Extra exam. 20 wpm code and the extra theory. I discovered there was a tube test, a transistor test and an integrated circuit test. Bob (age 80) wanted to go along just for the ride. He was just curious to see how they did things. The examiner told Bob that he couldn't go in the examination room if he didn't take the test. Bob elected to take the test sitting for the 20wpm code test. He passed the code and passed the Extra theory.

Going home, I found Bob had received a tube test. He could have passed the tube test with no problem. I had studied for tube test and received a transistor test which I missed passing by one point. I did pass the 20wpm code test. I did get my Extra ticket (KF8O) but it took a crack at all of the different extra theory tests for me to do it.

Gayla was content with her general ticket. She could create a pileup of male hams almost every time she was on the air. She was quite effective at ARRL Field Day events on phone. Eventually, Gayla's interest in amateur radio wained a bit and her interest in males became a bit more local. I enjoyed DXing with the local two meter gang when I had the time to do it. Eventually, I too, found less and less time for the radio. During the 90s the TA33 came down with the tower. I sold the linear and the Heathkit. I had two meter rigs during the 90s, 00, and 10s.

So after 23 years, I bought a Yaesu FT-450D, a tuner, and a G5RV and got it up. Now I am exploring the Digital Modes, trying to regenerate my diminished CW skills. It is quite a different hobby in 2018. Need I say I am retired and life is good.

Ron, KF8O

Worked DXCCs:


Yaesu FT-450D
LDG YT-1200 Tuner
G5RV at 30 Feet

QRZCQ Awards

ITU 30
CQ 20

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