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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-10-03 01:46:06 UTC









Active premium user

activity index: 1 of 5

Freddy Rafa

51100 Reims
France, Région Grand Est

image of f51fra

Call data

Last update:2024-02-20 08:52:25
Main prefix:F
Federal state:Région Grand Est
DXCC Zone:227
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL dataUp to date!

Last update:2024-02-17 18:01:58
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


Membre de FT8DMC depuis le samedi 17 février 2024

FT8DMC # 23241

FT8DMC Awards

1 - GSA - German Stations Awards - 10 amateur radio stations from Germany - #10332
2 - WBUSA - Worked Bulgarian Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from Bulgaria - #6579
3 - WROSA - Worked Romanian Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from Romania - #7607
4 - WCPA - Worked Chinese Provinces Award - 10 different chinese provinces - #6016
5 - WAMA - Worked All Members Award 100 FT8DMC members #11207
6 - WAMA - Worked All Members Award - 200 FT8DMC members - #10125
7 - GSA - German Stations Awards - 25 amateur radio stations from Germany - #9240
8 - WRPA - Worked Russian Prefix Award - 25 different russian amateur radio stations - #9609
9 - WAMA - Worked All Members Award - 300 FT8DMC members - #9219
10 - WPPA - Worked Portuguese Prefix Award - 5 different portuguese amateur radio prefixes - #7798
11 - BSA - Belgium Stations Awards - 10 amateur radio stations from Belgium - #8051
12 - CSA - Croatian Stations Awards - 10 amateur radio stations from Croatia - #6721
13 - HSA - Hungarian Stations Awards - 10 amateur radio stations from Hungary - #7479
14 - SLSA - Slovenian Stations Awards - 10 amateur radio stations from Slovenia - #6994
15 - SWSA - Swiss Stations Awards - 10 amateur radio stations from Switzerland - #6909
16 - WCASA - Worked Canadian Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from Canada - #7211
17 - WESA - Worked English Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from England - #8931
18 - WFINSA - Worked Finnish Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from Finland - #7672
19 - WPSA - Worked Portuguese Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from Portugal - #7096
20 - WDSA - Worked Dutch Stations Award - 10 amateur radio stations from the Netherlands - #8650
21 - WASA - Worked All South America - 10 South American countries - #7154
22 - WUSSA - Worked United States Stations Award - 100 amateur radio stations from the USA - #7244
23 - WAKYA - Worked All Kyrgyzstan Award - 2 amateur radio stations from Kyrgyzstan - #3978
24 - WUSSA - Worked United States Stations Award - 200 amateur radio stations from the USA - #5800
25 - BSA - Belgium Stations Awards - 25 amateur radio stations from Belgium - #5635
26 - WESA - Worked English Stations Award - 25 amateur radio stations from England - #7289
27 - WDSA - Worked Dutch Stations Award - 25 amateur radio stations from the Netherlands - #6697
28 - WAKAA - Worked All Kazakhstan Award - 3 amateur radio stations from Kazakhstan - #7792
29 - WAIPA - Worked All Italian Provinces - 30 different italian provinces - #6627
30 - WR1A - Worked Region 1 Award - 30 region 1 countries - #10402
31 - WAE - Worked All Europe - 40 european countries from the WAE list - #10904
32 - WAMA - Worked All Members Award - 400 FT8DMC members - #8422
33 - SARSA - Sardinian Stations Awards - 5 amateur radio stations from Sardinia - #5373
34 - WKSA - Worked Korean Stations Award - 5 amateur radio stations from South Korea - #5734
35 - WESA - Worked English Stations Award - 50 amateur radio stations from England - #5796
36 - WAE - Worked All Europe - 50 european countries from the WAE list - #9302
37 - WAMA - Worked All Members Award - 500 FT8DMC members - #7729
38 - WAA - Worked All Austria - 9 federal counties of the Republic of Austria - #3830
39 - WAICA - Worked All Italian Call Area - One amateur radio station from each italian call area - #8614

Worked DXCCs:


FT8 sur 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 160m

QRZCQ Awards

DXCC 100
ITU 50
CQ 30

Other images

No other images yet


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