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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-14 06:41:41 UTC
If AX4FSRD is your callsign and you would like to fill out your profile or update your biography, you can register here and change the data afterwards.









Passive data

Steven Dudley

4352 Highfields
Australia, Queensland


Call data

Last update:2016-11-03 02:32:45
QTH:Near Toowoomba Queensland
Main prefix:VK
Federal state:Queensland
DXCC Zone:150
ITU Zone:55
CQ Zone:30…

QSL data

QSL information may be out of date or inaccurate!

Last update:2016-11-03 02:28:06
Direct Manager:VK4FSRD
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES
QSL Request…
Extra QSL Info:AX4FSRD is a special event call


I have only been a licenced Amateur Radio Operator since October 2010. However I have been involved in Radio and Communications since I first got the bug back the the early days of CB radio in Australia in 1977.

I was on CB for a number of years and then in 1984 I enlisted in the Australian Army and was allocated to the Royal Australian Signals Corps. I served in a number of locations within Australia and Overseas during my 24 plus years of service in the Corps. I finished my fulltime military career as a Warrant Officer Class Two, Information Systems Manager in October 2007. I am still serving at the same rank and position as a Reserve Soldier. I am also a Warrant Officer Class Two (AAC) with 13 Army Cadet Unit located in Toowoomba where I am an Instructor of Cadets.

After leaving full time military service, in 2007, I took up a position as a Information Technology Officer with the Queensland Police Service in Toowoomba Queensland. In July 2012, I left the Queensland Police Service to take up a position with the Australian Public Service. My current position is with the Department of Defence, where I am the Communications and Information Systems Manager, at the Defence Force School of Signals - Electronic Warfare Wing at Cabarlah.

I am also heavily involved with the local ex-service community of Highfields and District. I am a foundation member of the Highfields RSL sub-branch and have been the sub branch President since 2007

I finally got off my rear end and got my Foundation Ham Radio Licence in October 2010 and plan to upgrade to Standard Class soon and then onto Advanced.

I live with my wife Sharan, Married 1985 in Highfields Queensland. I have a daughter and 2 sons who live in the nearby city of Toowoomba,and our baby daughter is now living the dream by working and living in London England.


Yaesu FT-840
OCF Dipole
40 Mtr Longwire

DISCLAIMER: If you are this callsign owner and want to update this information please register and update the data afterwards. If you don't want your data to appear on our site then please DO NOT register! To remove your callsign from our database please use the problem report and notify us about your wishes. More specific form to remove your callsign will be added in the near future.

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