D-Star: F4EHB myCall Sessions

D-Star Database


  1. Invalid callsign characters (non-alphanumeric & not "/") are replaced by spaces.
  2. The result is padded with spaces to a length of seven characters if needed.
  3. The resultant search pattern matches callsigns in the database up to the length of the pattern.
This web site obtains its data from multiple sources in real time, and attempts to present the data in real time as well.
If you do not see some or all of the data for a specific callsign:
  • the D-Star gateway being used may not be running the NTP daemon, or
  • the D-Star gateway being used may not be reporting data to the APRS system, or
  • the D-Star gateway being used may not be reporting data to the ircDDB system, or
  • the user may not be transmitting GPS (APRS) data, or
  • the user's callsign may need to opt-in to the ircDDB data stream. (Why?)

Licensee information for 'F4EHB'

ITU CountryFR - France
Callsign LinksAE7Q callsign lookup
J-FindU call locator

Caller records not found!

† A "session" is the entire interval (no matter how long) that a particular "myCall" uses the same radio setup: The same "tag", "rpt1Call", "rpt2Call", & (before 2014-11-01) "urCall", without changing. Even a momentary change causes a new "session" to be recognized. An "active" session (non-greyed background) is the most current session (and hence the target of callsign routing) for that particular "myCall".

An italic "First TX"  identifies a session with times that overlap the times of other sessions in the list. On a repeater ("rpt1") list, this may represent a conversation with the overlapped session(s).

Copyright © 2004-2021[-05-13 @ 03:31 UTC] by Dean K. Gibson ([123] on 2025-02-14 @ 03:03:04 UTC + 0.037). Privacy policy.