Welcome to my Personal Home Page.
Bare with me on this now.
On May 3 & 16 2008 I was a very happy father
My Son and Daughter Graduated from College
Son - 2 BS in Computer's and Math
Daughter - Elementary Ed.(Teacher)
Then in 2012 I saw her get Her Master's from NC State
I am so proud of them both, their Graduation Photos
Click Here
I am a retired FireFighter (Lt) of
Fayetteville City Fire Dept. Fayetteville NC
and a Past Assistant Chief of the Gray's Creek Fire Dept.
Cumberland County Station 18.
I was a Safety Health and Environmental Specialist
for Fayetteville Works,
Fayetteville, NC.
Formerly DuPont
My area was Safety and Fire Protection/Compliance/Emergency Response
I carried the title Fire Marshall
I have been in the Fire Service since I was 16.
I am offically Retired now
I was born in 1959.
When Dwight D. Eisenhower was President.
You might say I am old.
I have saw 13 men who carried the title
"President of the United States",
12 men and 1 woman who were
"Governor of North Carolina".
I have lived during the Early Rock-n-roll years,
the disco years, the Rap years
and whatever they call it now
I have seen men leave to go to Vietnam,
and come home and be treated
like a "criminal"
not like the "HERO", that they are.
Welcome Home Guys,
I wasn't there but I remember
I remember how the Military Guys Treated me when
I was a young lad, and now as a older man
I wonder how many of them that I met, never came HOME
When I go to the Wall, a Tear I take as I salute them
Now I see our Soldiers go to Iraq, Afghanistan, and all other
Countries throughout the world. AND I m proud of our US Military.
God Has Truly Blessed me
The Greatest Gift is JESUS who died on that cross
to save me from that horror fate
He also gave me
Two of the Best Children in the world
One that will lead the Computer Industry one day
and the other is
Teaching the Future of the World
to make it a better place
I saw the Wall of Germany Fall,
I was around when the Iron Curtain of the USSR fell.
I even remember the Fallout Shelters.
Do you?
I have seen the US Dollar decrease in value.
I remember when a soft drink cost $0.05,
Cigarettes $.25 or a gallon of Gasoline $.33
I remember when things were made
in the United States Not China or Japan,
Cars? oh yea, they used to all be made in Detroit
I recall when there were not any computers....
you did math on your fingers, on paper, or in your head.
I went to Tar Heel High School (Class of 1977)
I graduated Robeson Community College
with Three A.A.S. Degrees,
Business Admin, Accounting, Computers Programming
Hey I almost finished my 4th (fire science)
From Pike Peak Community College,(Fire)
I remember when we used to stand up and say
the pledge to the Flag, and can
you believe a Thank you prayer to GOD. "EveryDAY"
At Football games we did not start until the
prayer was said, by the team and the crowds
I watched our country
come under attack
I saw the Twin Towers Fall on 9-11-01
I set and watched my brother/sisters die
I cried, I cared, I prayed
and I could do nothing
But I will not forget,
they live in
my Heart, Mind & Soul
here in today's world, I think some have forgot
like those in Washington DC
I know what its like to almost give your life
Just to try to save another
and Yes How to appreciate people
When GOD gives you that second chance
to face your life
You Learn alot and I want to say
Thank you
Buddy / Michael and those other
that were
on FFD A shift that horrible night
Stanley, Eric, Bobby, Danny, Charlie, Dennis
and the others I didnt name
You are my HEROs
Yes I am getting old, but you know with all
the changes I have seen.
I still feel young. For you see I am still an

I am still proud to see our Flag fly proudly.
and I still love calling

So dont call me old quite yet.
Wait another 30 or 40 years
then I might agree with you.
When you say your Pray tonight
To our GOD ALMIGHTY up High
Please, if you would, ask him to
Bless American AGAIN,
like he did way back then
I also would like to share with you a True Friend
He Saved me and I Look forward to Seeing him
one day. Won't you join me. Ask me I will share how