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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-14 07:55:13 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Ruud Driessen (Rudy)

3274 KG Heinenoord

image of pa9rd

Call data

Last update:2021-08-23 18:12:45
Main prefix:PA
DXCC Zone:263
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

QSL data

Last update:2021-03-22 08:39:52
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES
Extra QSL Info:From now on you will get an EQSL directly after the QSO, due to the fact that there are pirates active using my callsign, also upload to QRZ and HRDlog, LOTW will follow a bit later.



I'm NOT active from any other location than from JO21FT which is the locator of my home QTH. I have NEVER been to foreign countries abroad the last years, like /FR, /VP, /P89 or whatever country you see after or before my callsign.
There are amateurs who think they are funny by using my callsign and let everyone think I'm in another country, which is NOT the matter. I only operate FT8/FT4 or any other modes from JO21FT.

Someone is using my call with the extensions of /OY /VP/ /FR /P89 in FT8 & FT4 modes!! It's not me, I'm only active as PA9RD in JO21 from home. I put up an EndFed antenna to do some limited FT4/8 qso's on 10/12/15/17/20/40 mtr, but at this moment not on 80 mtr in this antenna situation. In a few weeks I hope to get it up in another place and then 80 will also be possible. The incoming E-QSL's for a 80 mtr qso were not made by me and are rejected. Pse also read my QRZ page abt this abuse.

If you worked me you will get an E-QSL confirmation right away after the qso since I configured my WSJT-X and logbook to sent one direct after logging. If yoy don't use E-QSL, delete the card or request, but at least you know it was me. Also upload to QRZ logbook, HRD.log and LOTW will follow shortly, normally at the end of the day.

At first I have to say that my callsign is being abused by someone here in The Netherlands, by putting false messages WITH my callsign (then followed by the -@ sign) in the DX clusters. I know now who it is, but will keep that for myself. At this moment he's using/abusing the callsign of my XYL PB8YL and many more, including the one from my father which is a SK since 2005.


Hello, all visitors of my page. My name is Ruud (Rudy) and at the moment 60 years old. Busy on HF with a FT-2000 in SSB/Phone and digital modes, also some CW if possible. Most of my activities take place at the bands from 6 to 40 mtr. 80 & 160 is a bit of a problem due to lack of space for putting up a decent wire antenna, but I'm doing the best I can to try out several antennas for those bands. I hope I can find one that is working okay for my limited space. For local chats I use a FT-897 with a Comet vertical for 2/70. I'm also busy with digital modes (like FT4/8) working on 2 mtr with a 2x8 element yagi antenna from I0JXX and the vertical Comet antenna. For 430/433 Mhz I also have a 13 element beam from Flexa.

Hpe to "meet" you somewhere on the bands, 73 de

Ruud PA9RD

Worked DXCCs:


FT-2000 and a new IC-7100 which I mostly gonna use for 4mtr/70Mhz and 70cm and 2 mtr. The FT-897 will be a spare transceiver for portable operations and extra in the shack if my XYL want to use it, several rebuild mobilophones for amateurradio on the frequencies 144-146 MHz and 430-440 MHz, but those are all FM only, used for local chats and contacts.
My regular HF antenna is 3 element SteppIR for 6 to 40 mtrs. For UHF/VHF I use a Comet GP-1N vertical and a I0JXX crossyagi 2x8 element for 144 MHz, a FLEXA 13 element beam for 432 MHz and a Diamond X-30 for local (repeater)use. The tower is a 2 x 6 mtr (abt 2x18ft?) from a Dutch company, formerly known as "BIJZEN".

I also have a home-made EndFed for /P activities and a automatic tuner with a random wire for all band HF use.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Rev. 8e93a81e86