I'm born in Italy (Savona) in 1976.
My first QSO was with a simple 23 channel AM CB radio founded in my father's cellar in my early age of 12....
I toke the "virus" after my first DX with USA in AM mode, 5 W and a mobile antenna temporarily installed out of the window!
From 1988 to 1998 I worked many country in the 27MHz band (AM, FM and SSB mode) then, in 1998, I obtained the licence and the callsign IW1RCT. F1VJT is my callsign since 2004, year when I leave Italy from France.
Actually I work HF bands from 3.5 to 28 MHz and 144 MHz, only SSB or CW, no digitals modes.
I'm training to CW....OM be patient, I'm still QRS!!!
I manage two Beacons
The 10 meter beacon:
The 6 meters beacon: (actually OFF)
I manage alsoo:
F1ZHI VHF repeater in JN33EO:
F1ZHR UHF repeater in JN33GE:
F1ZLY UHF repeater in JN23XI:
F1ZQE UHF repeater in JN33JM:
F1ZQF UHF repeater in JN23VK:
F1ZHN transponder in JN23XE: (actually OFF)
I founded my radiocommunication company (VJT Radiocommunication) in avril 2014 and I love my job!!
My hobbyes are photography (beginner) and play electric guitar (rock/blues).
Worked DXCCs:
@ home:
Icom IC-730 (with audio notch board and enhanced TX audio)
Yaesu FT-77 (with tunable audio pass band filter board)
Yaesu FRG-100
Kenwood MC-85 (with audio compressor SSM2167 board and Sennheiser electret mic)
Yaesu MD-100
Daiwa CNW418
Diamond CP6 on 9 meter tower
Icom IC-290D (modified and enhanced TX audio)
200 Watt linear amplifier (SSB Electronics TLA 144-200)
home-made 6 element DK7ZB Yagi antenna (10.24 dBd)
VHF (Local)
Icom IC-290E (with CTCSS board and enhanced TX audio)
Diamond X-300 antenna
Clansmann vertical key
@ /P FM:
Yaesu FT-60 (VHF/UHF FM)
Motorola GP-380 (29MHz FM)
Motorola GP-380 (50MHz FM)
@ /P digital:
Hytera PD-685 V and UHF (DMR - Job and HAM frequencies)
Motorola DP-4800 V and UHF (DMR - Job and HAM frequencies)
Yaesu FT-70D (thanks to F6GLS)
QRP, @ /P and/or @ home
Most used:
Yaesu FT-290R
Quansheng UV-K5 (with DSB IJV firmware)
µBITx (HF all mode, 20W/5W)
µSDX (HF all mode, 5W)
Others rigs that I use occasionnaly:
Marko CB-747 (28 MHz) with Arduino DDS VFO
Hendricks DC20 (with DDS VFO, 1 W)
Rockmite 20 (with DDS VFO, 1.5W)
Pixie 10m (28.060 CW, 1W)
Pixie 20M (14.060 CW, 1W)
Pixie 40M (7023 CW, 1W)
Forty 9er (7030 CW, 2W)
VHF: long 5el Yagi (8.5 dBd), light 5el Yagi (5.5 dBd), foldable V/UHF 1.25 m long
HF Whizz Whip, light EFHW QRP (20.5 meters long), Windom (40,20,10)
Rechargeables lithium battery pack (12V 6800 mAh), 15W foldable solar panel
@ /M:
Yaesu FT-100
Yaesu FC-30
Outback antenna (80-6m)
Yaesu FT-7800
TYT TH-9800
@ Emergency or Field-Day:
Vertex VX-1400 (100W HF AM/SSB/CW)
Vertex VX-1700 (100W HF AM/SSB/CW)
FC40 and wire antenna
Diamond DP-CP5 (80 to 10 meters) with 4 meter free-standing mast
Windom antenna (80 to 10 meters or 40 to 10 meters)
EFHW (40,20,10 meters)
Coaxial aperiodic antenna (21 meters long)
Thank to PA0RWE for help me to compile a new DDS VFO sketch for my old IC-25!