Good day, thanks for the lookup,
I got hooked on radio many years ago firstly when using a portable HF rig during military service in remote parts of Africa, then later when someone gave me an old CB radio and I found myself working some DX by accident. This motivated me me to contact the local radio club who helped me through the study and the exams.
I have been licensed since 1993 and recently moved into a retirement village in the small seaside town of Pennington some 60km South of Durban. There are antenna restrictions in our Village but I am able to work some DX using a modest end fed(stealth)antenna.I retired in February 2014 which will give me more time to pursue amateur radio. My other interests are satellites,Packet/APRS and QRP.
YAESU FT530 FM Dualbander for Satellite work.
ICOM 2200H 2m FM Base Station for local repeaters & APRS via digipeater
Antennas: End Fed wire or G5RV for HF, Arrow + Elk for Satellites or 2m + 70cm
Homebrew Antenna Tuner.
Samsung Laptop with Homebrew Interfaces
Software: Multipsk,Hamscope,MMTTY,HRD,WSJT.