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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-12 01:27:42 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Bruce Steel

3575 Thames
New Zealand, Waikato

new zealand
image of zl1aao

Call data

Last update:2020-06-12 02:12:03
QTH:Coromandel Peninsula
Main prefix:ZL
Federal state:Waikato
DXCC Zone:170
ITU Zone:60
CQ Zone:32

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2020-06-12 02:09:33
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


I had just started my nursing training in the late 70s when CB radio arrived in the UK. One day I discovered SSB and how to tune in those strange signals which interfered with our local chats on AM., And so the inerest in radio communications was born..... In 1983 I obtained my amateur radio license and got involved in some club activities on 2 metres. In 1987 I emigrated to new Zealand and became licensed as ZL1AAO. As with many amateurs I maintained a station and joined the local clubs in the various parts of New Zealand where I have lived but my forrays of activity have been second or third place to the family and work.
Since 2007 I have had more time and built a new home in the country which has space for some antennas and so in this place I have been more active. I have participated in a few contests and enjoy the Oceania SSB DX contest and the CQ WPX and CQ WW SSB contests. I have surprised myself with some 1st Place positions in the SOAB Low Power class for New Zealand and I am trying to improve my ranking in the class for Oceania. I also obtained a 2 letter callsign in July 2011 ZL1YE and I have begun to use this callsign for my contesting activity.

In August 2011 and May 2013 I operated as E51AAO from Rarotonga as a holiday expedition great fun and I experienced the other side of small pile ups!

I have made a lot of friends over the years through radio activity and it is great when we catch up again on air. A fantastic hobby and sometimes "way of life"!

Always happy to exchange QSL as a courtesy and in friendship with goodwill.

Best wishes and 73 to all who visit this Site. Bruce ZL1AAO / ZL1YE / E51AAO

Worked DXCCs:


Yaesu FT-2000 100w AC/DC model and Yaesu FT-857D. Kenwood TS-570D and TS590SG.
Emtron DX1d Amplifier.
Heil Pro4 Headset Mic.
Home brew dipoles for 80 and 40 and 20m.
Home brew. 40m band delta loop.
G3TXQ HexBeam 6 band.(20-6m)
Diamond X50 vertical for VHF/UHF.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
ZL1AAO / Pic 2

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