Hi my name is Budi.
I live in a fast growing industrial city - Cikarang - Bekasi
It is 30 kilometers east of Jakarta the capital of Indonesia.
My wife Lis is a dentist. She was my classmate when we were in high school.
We have three beautiful daughters :
Anjani - born in 1997
Andini - born in 2002
Arimbi - born in 2005
I started my radio hobby since I was in junior high (80s).
I have my first call sign in CB - JZ09GOL
Then I have my ham call in 1985 as YD0PGQ.
In 2000 I have re-examination and become YD1SMS
Later on become YD1FBX.
I upgrade my license to YC1EME.
Now I have an extra class license.
My callsign now is YB1EME.
Since the beginning of my radio hobby, I like to try new antenna design.
I always design and build my yagi beam by myself.
My yagi design is following the OWA concept (by Nathan Miller NW3Z and Jim Breakall WA3FET).
They are direct feed, 50-ohm design. Have a very wide bandwidth.
I use coiled coax as the choke. No balun.
de YB1EME - Budi
Worked DXCCs:
QTH 1 :
Transceiver :
Icom IC-756 PRO III
Icom IC-7300
Yaesu FT-990
Yaesu System 600
Kenwood TS-430S
Kenwood TS-50S
Kenwood TM-281
Icom IC-V8000
Amplifier :
Collins 30L-1
Homebrew Low Band Linear Amplifier 1.8 MHz- 14 MHz 1.5 KW
Antenna :
80 meter band:
Homebrew Inverted Vee
40 meter band:
Self design and build homebrew 3 elements monoband yagi
20 meter band:
Homebrew rotary dipole
15 meter band:
Self design and build homebrew 6 elements monoband yagi
10 meter band :
Self design and build homebrew 10 elements monoband yagi
Self design and build homebrew 5 elements monoband yagi - vertical polarization fix direction
QTH 2 (at my parents)
Kenwood TS-850SAT
40 meter band:
full size rotary dipole
20 meter - 15 meter - 10 meter band:
11 meter band - 10 meter band:
3 elements Delta Loop - Build by EQE Antenna - Indonesia