Jose Levy, XE1J. Nick name as ham is "Pepe"
Born: March 15, 1939 in Colima city, founded by spaniards in july 25, 1523, the first city in the west side of Mexico, number 8 in all Mexico. Ocupation: Electronic engineer. Owner broadcasting stations, University of Colima.
First ham license: 1957. First call: XE1WX Hobbies: Stamp collector, coins and bank notes collector. Ham radio. Historic investigation. Specialty Colima, XVI-XIX century.
First dxpedition at Revillagigedo, 1967 XE1PJL/XF4. XE1PJL/4A4, XF4J, 6D4J. Last: 1982, XF4MDX-6J5LM. Eight times.
Awards: Nr. 1 Honor Roll SSB DXCC. CW & RTTY DXCC. 5BWAZ, 5BDXCC, 8BDXCC, 10BWAS (XE1J); 5B WAS (6F8J); 5B WAS (XG1J); 6B WAC, 5BAFRICA, 5BASIA, 5BEUROPE, 5BOCEANIA, 5BAMERICA, 5B-5CONTINENTS, 6BZ6, 11BZ6. WAC with "J" suffix; WAS-RTTY. WAS-6 meters. VUCC-300 (6 meters) WAS in RS-13 satellite. Call sign using in contests and special events: XE1IO, XE1WX, XE1IIO, XE1PJL, XE7J, XG1J. 4A1J, 4A9J, 4B7J, 4C5J, 4C50C, 4C8J. 6D5J, 6E1J, 6F1J, 6F1LM, 6F8J, 6G1J, 6H1J, 6I7J, 6J1J, 6J6J
Rig: Icom IC-756 Pro II, Yaesu FT-847, Yaesu FT-857, Ameritron AL-1500, Ampl. Collins 30S-1 and Collins S line, Antennas: Log periodic 8 elements. Mosley 7 ele. 10-40 m. 80 mts bazooka, 160 mts 1/4 wave. Yagi 6 elem 6 meter. 26 elem stack for 2 meter, 48 elem stack for 70 cm. ATAS-120. RIGBlaster Interface. Mobile all bands.
Result in contest: ARRL International DX Competition-1974: First place in Mexico. # 2 DX Top Ten. 1972 Phone World Wide DX Contest. Winner Carib./Central America.
At present, Radio Club of Colima president and Radio Amateur of Colima Association president. DXXE Group member.
My father, ham from 1934. (die 1956) Our Radio Club in Colima is called as my father "J. Roberto Levy".