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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-12 11:19:59 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Mike Quicker
21 Cedar Hill Dr
East Northport 11731
United States, NY

united states
image of wk3t

Call data

Last update:2018-07-23 06:09:08
Main prefix:K
Federal state:NY
US county:Suffolk
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:4752776

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2018-09-22 08:02:29
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES
Extra QSL Info:SWL cards will always be answered.


........................................THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE NOT THINGS....................................

I was first exposed to radio as a kid listening to shortwave broadcasts from Radio Moscow, Radio Havana and the like at the peak of the cold war. I can recall listening during the Cuban crisis. Scary stuff back then. It was then the coldest of the cold war.

I was briefly involved in CB radio but that was only for 2 years.
It was not until 1985 when I met Chuck, K3NXH who pushed me to get my license.
I passed the Novice and General class exams on the first sitting. What an exciting day that was. CW was tough to learn so I did not want to lose all the blood, sweat and tears put into practice so I worked a lot of CW and came to be fairly good at 25 WPM. I also came to really enjoy it.

I also used RTTY and Amtor back in the day with an AEA CP100 modem with a B&K 3 inch scope for tuning. Used Commodore 64's for the digital radio and another one for the gray line. Had a dumb terminal for packet. Picked video from its motherboard and this was fed to a B&W closed circuit monitor for the W3LPL 2 meter packet cluster. Had 2 other B&W monitors for the gray line display and for the RTTY and Amtor displays. That was a blast back in the day.

So if not for Charlie K3NXH I would not be writing this. I owe Charlie for this! Thanks, Charlie.
I have been active now for just 5 years after being QRT for 12. I have enjoyed being back. I will say the hobby seems to have changed a lot since some 14 - 15 years ago. Perhaps it's the solar cycle. perhaps not. HF seems to be much less active now.

I do enjoy snagging a new DX entity from time to time but I am really a rag chew kind of guy.
So if you hear me please do break in or answer my CQ. I will enjoy meeting you.

Need my QSL? No SASE required. It's an old Ham Radio tradition that I still practice. SWL cards are also welcome and will be answered. If I have failed to reply to your QSL do email and I will correct the error of my ways!

I am also good on QRZ if you care to visit?

Oh by the way, if you happen to know Charlie K3NXH please tell him you saw this. It will make him smile.

Vy 73 es good DX,
de WK3T

Ecars 10040
Omiss 2040
Member 7163 group

Worked DXCCs:


The station is very simple. Sometimes less is more.

The transceiver is a Kenwood TS-590sg that replaced a Yaesu FT-900 that I had used mobile for several years. That was one of the most enjoyable ham radio chapters in my history. Running 500 watts mobile during the prior solar cycle was a blast.
I use an MFJ differential tuner which works very well indeed.
I also use a Metron MA1000B solid-state amplifier that will generate 500 watts or so.
This amplifier is from the mid 1980's and is still a workhorse. Likely one of the best solid state amps ever made. I paid all of $300.00 for it some 20 years ago. You cannot see it in the photo as I remote control it via the switch box on the left.
The antenna is a Carolina Windom from Radio Works that I picked up when I went QRT but it ended up hanging in the garage for 12 years! I must say I am very satisfied with its performance.
The LED lighting in the photo was really needed as the gear on the shelf was in the dark. It is cheap and easy to install and looks good too.

I won't bore you with all the other stuff.

Hope to hear you soon.

73, Mike

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
WK3T / Montauk Point Light on Long Island. 127 Miles or 204 Kilometers east of Manhattan Island in New York City

Rev. 8e93a81e86