Greetings from Feather Sound, a tropical paradise in the state of Florida! I am located in the city of Clearwater and only a few miles from the Gulf of Mexico coast.
I was originally licensed in 1976 as WN3BDH while living near Philadelphia. I started using CW with a Heathkit HW-16 and later a Drake 2-NT. After a few years I added SSB capability and started collecting countries. Most recently I've been spending most of my operating time on PSK.
My QSL card tells an interesting story. I took the photo near my house in Clearwater. The picture shows several wood storks - unusual and unique birds that live in this area. In the lower right corner is a five foot alligator - carefully watching the wood storks. Of course, they are also watching him. If he starts moving out of the water they will fly. But he knows that; so he is just watching them. It's a stalemate. But now they are also all watching me.
This area is full of many very unusual birds, reptiles, and animals. I enjoy watching them and trying to take interesting photos.
And some other info that may be of interest: ARRL member since 1976. EPC no. 7293. PODXS 070 no. 1413.
And some friends who have helped me along the way: WA3WVT, KC0EM, KB3ABC, W3GXR, W3PST, N3NR, and WA9KZZ.
My equipment includes a Kenwood TS-480S (for PSK and remote operation), a Kenwood TS-140S (for SSB), and an Icom IC-735 (for CW). I don't really need a separate transmitter for each mode, but the equipment has worked so well for so many years that it is a pleasure to keep everything in operation. I've also got a number of other old radio friends that I've used over the years. This includes a Hallicrafters SX-28, EH Scott SLRM, Motorola R-392, National HRO-50, Hammarlund HQ-150, and a National rack mounted CNA-46080 (with 7 plug in coil assemblies) manufactured in 1941 for the navy.
My antenna is a 40 meter end fed long wire that is 15 meters above ground. Log and PSK software is from DX Lab.