FISTS 14408 SKCC 13847
I received my Novice call sign WN2NVR on May 25, 1964. My first rig was a used Heathkit
DX-20 and a used Hallicrafters SX-99. When I got my General, my equipment was upgraded to a Drake 2B and Hallicrafters HT-37. I graduated high school in 1967, and went to the New York University School of Engineering in the Bronx, NY. I was active in the NYU Amateur Radio Society, W2DSC, and I'm currently serving as the QSL manager for the club. After graduating with an electrical engineering degree, my ham radio hobby took a back seat to earning an MBA (also from NYU), and raising a family.
I was able to seriously get back into ham radio when I started my own systems integration company, RZS Solutions. We have a club station at the office (W2RZS), and have arranged to go on a few DXPeditions with other club members: VP5RZS, 6Y2RZ, J75RZ, and TO5RZ.