Call data Last update: | 2024-05-23 02:23:21 | QTH: | Holden, ME | Continent: | NA | Views: | 4429 | Main prefix: | K | Class: | Extra | Federal state: | ME | US county: | Penobscot | Latitude: | 44.7996090 | Longitude: | -68.7899000 | Locator: | FN54OT | DXCC Zone: | 291 | ITU Zone: | 8 | CQ Zone: | 5 | Website: | | ULS record: | 838798 |
Most used bands 20m (51%) 40m (20%) 15m (11%) 10m (6%) 17m (6%) Most used modes FT8 (73%) FT4 (9%) JT65 (6%) SSB (4%) RTTY (3%) QSL data eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | YES |
| Biography First Licensed in 1967 as WN2CHC (age of 17 years) & Licensed since 1968 as WA2HIP (age of 18 years)
On 8-October-2011, I upgraded from General to Extra
Had a veriety of equipment including: HQ-170, Ameco AC-1, DX60, Central Electronics 20A, Heathkit DX-60, Knight T-150, Swan Cygnet 270, Homebrew 2 x 813 linear, SB-200, SB-610, SBE-34, SB-101, SB-102, Swan-1200W
NOTE that my QTH is physically located in Bangor, Maine. My QTH is approximately 2.5 miles (about 4 km) from my PO Box address in Brewer, Maine, which is across the Penobscot River.
2017 thru present
Station consists of:
1) Icom 7200 (added 12/2012), Icom 725 transceiver (reserve status 12/2012)
2) Heathkit SB-221 linear amplifier
3) 20, 15 & 10 meter fan dipole with East-West broadside (90 degrees by 270 degrees) - elevation approximately 25 feet (about 8 meters)
Added 40 meter fan dipole (bent ends) below the existing fan dipole.
Hamstick 80m dipole.
4) MFJ-969 tuner
5) MFJ-752 audio filter
6) Daiwa NS-660PA wattmeter
7) MFJ 826B wattmeter
8) Dentron MT-2000A tuner
9) Heathkit SB-614 Station Monitor
2011 thru 2017
Station consists of:
1) Icom 7200 (added 12/2012), Icom 725 transceiver (reserve status 12/2012)
2) Heathkit SB-201 linear amplifier
3) 20, 15 & 10 meter fan dipole with South-East // North-West broadside (135 degrees by 315 degrees) - elevation approximately 25 feet (about 8 meters)
4) MFJ-969 tuner
5) MFJ-752 audio filter
6) Daiwa NS-660PA wattmeter
7) Heathkit HM-2140 wattmeter
8) Heathkit SB-610 Station Monitor
2007 thru 2008
Station consisted of Heathkit SB-101 and a Swan 1200W linear (about 600 watts PEP output) feeding either:
1) a fan dipole (75, 40, 20 meter) at 45-50 feet elevation with a primary broadside direction of East-West;
2) a fan dipole (20, 15 meter) at 40-45 feet with a primary broadside direction of North-South.
I enjoy chasing DX and good rag-chewing.
QSL method: Direct prefered - or eQSL (see: } and LOTW. Note that ALL logs are uploaded to eQSL, LOTW and ClubLog ( Done at regular intervals.
Logs are uploaded to monthly, at the end of the month.
Worked DXCCs: |