Greetings from the Sonoma Wine Country,
Sonoma is located in the Valley of the Moon 55 kilometers North of San Francisco, California.
I received my Amateur license in December of 2009, my father’s call sign in January of 2010, and I received my Extra class in July of 2010. My radio is a Yaesu FT-2000 with a Yaesu FL-7000 amplifier hooked to a Cushcraft X-7 (8 meters high) or Cushcraft A-3WS (9 meters high) .
Cliff Gordon was the original W6GMP. He was a radioman on submarines during WW2 making 7 war patrols. He received his Amateur license in 1946. As a child my father was always on the radio and I would help him by reading the weather gauges for the morning weather net on 40 meters.
It is an honor to carry on the radio tradition!
Hobbies outside of amateur radio include gardening, golfing, and fishing.
Thank you for the contact
Earl Gordon