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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-22 15:17:09 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Billy Emmerling

Hugo 80821
United States, Colorado

united states
image of w5hwz

Call data

Last update:2018-12-05 13:27:21
QTH:Eastern Colorado
Main prefix:K
Federal state:Colorado
US county:Lincoln
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:7
CQ Zone:4
ULS record:3976732

QSL data

Last update:2019-12-19 21:19:14
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES
Extra QSL Info:USA Direct QSL welcome SASE not required


I am a rather active Amateur... I primarly am QRV on either CW or SSB Prefer CW as I can talk alot faster and the contact rolls along quicker, I also like Dxing at heart I am a DX hunter, so I'm always on the prowl for that elusive ATNO!! So if you ever hear me calling CQ or in the piles I wish you best 73 es Good DX, I hope my fellow OMs and YLs can profit from the ATNOs that may come across the bands, Also you can find me on Echolink too I do monitor Echolink when I'm QRV Echlink information is Listed Below

Good Luck In the pileup Es CU on the Air

Update DEC 2018: Now QRV full time from home station using Yaseu FT-817ND And OCF Dipole.


I am QRV on Echolink my Personal node #608903 I tend to like Direct QSOs, also can be found floating around various repeaters and conferences

My Radios ATM Hoping to add more soon..

Grundig S450DLX For BC SW and MW Dxing
Uniden BC72XLT for Air Traffic listening

Ham Station At the moment hoping to add more later

Yaesu FT-817ND

Icom IC-735

Tytra MD-380 5 watt DMR/Analogue UHF HT

CW clubs

SKCC #15473

NAQCC #8502

FISTS #18972

Antenna's in the shack

OCF Dipole UP 15ft
2/70 CM J-Pole UP 15ft

QSL information

QSL is ok 100% DX please QSL via the W5 QSL Buro, US hams can send their card via direct with SASE Welcome but not required, I will QSL 100% in the method recieved, Buro=Buro Direct=Direct, DX I appologize I've had to go to using the Buro for DX cards as it's just too hard to reply cards direct due to my income... I thank you very much for this understanding, Canada and Mexico Can send Direct if you need Fast reply with $2 and SAE, If you wish You can send via the buro...

73, Thanks and Good DX


QSL Manager For W5FMH South Texas Remote DX Club

Send Cards for W5FMH to

207 5th Street Apt 9

Hugo, CO 80821



Recently many OMs have been sending me 2 and 3 duplicate cards for 1 QSO!! I ask you not to do this as this Creates a ton of work and confusion on my side!! I will answer your card so please be patient I have a 1 year backlog of replies to answer so I ask you to be patient in this matter, your QSL will be answered 100%, I am a very active Amater and make many QSOs, so please I ask for your paitence in this matter, I write my cards by hand thorugh a web templete so please be patient as this takes time, and I have a backlog

I ask for your cooporation in this matter, if you need your card faster please let me know via E-Mail and I will process your card asap

Update As of 9/9/2018 All QSL Cards are replied too will begin sending out shortly!! So at this point know that I've replied your QSL card it's just taken some time!!

Again thank you for the cooperation and assistance in this mattter

73 Bill-W5HWZ

Previous Callsigns



My Radios ATM Hoping to add more soon..

Grundig S450DLX For BC SW and MW Dxing
Uniden BC72XLT for Air Traffic listening

Ham Station At the moment hoping to add more later

Yaesu FT-817ND

Icom IC-735

Tytra MD-380 5 watt DMR/Analogue UHF HT

Antenna's in the shack

OCF Dipole UP 15ft 40-10 meters

2/70 CM J-Pole UP 15ft

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
W5HWZ / Pic 2

Rev. 8e93a81e86