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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-06 04:19:02 UTC









Active user

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Franklin Boots

Bangor 18013
United States, PA

united states
image of w3okw

Call data

Previous call:KF2FI
Last update:2017-08-18 05:47:01
QTH:Poconos, NE PA, USA
Main prefix:K
Federal state:PA
US county:Northampton
Latitude:40.913017 N
Longitude:-75.213707 W
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:3972187

QSL data

Last update:2017-08-18 05:43:13
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


ARRL Member # 7194181
FISTS Member # 17951
SKCC Member # 16224
NAQCC Member # 8819

Packet radio:
145.010 KF2FI/R KF2FI-1/B KF2FI-3/D Bangor Mntn, Upper Mt. Bethel, NE PA, USA
Access to local node KB3YMY/Alias CMLBK at 2200ft
144.390 APRS KF2FI-9/M

Ham radio has always been a challenge fitting the hobby into my software development career since acquiring my Novice ticket WN2BIZ in 1976. I got the radio bug as a Radar Technician in the US Navy while working side by side with communication technicians and operators on board ship (DD714). After leaving my 4 year Navy commitment, I acquired my 2nd class FCC Radiotelephony License and shortly thereafter my Amateur Radio Novice license where I even passed my General technical test but failed the 13 wpm code test segment. I worked as a lab Electronics Technician (assistant engineer) while pursuing my degree in Electrical Engineering but half way through I switched my major to Computer Science but continued my interests in radio and the science of radio propagation. From the FCC offices of NYC, I finally acquired my General (N2JSJ) and over the years my Advanced (KF2FI) and Extra class ticket. I am also a VE supporting license testing.

I am an All-mode radio operator but I do like my digital modes CW, PSK31, JT65 and packet/aprs ops.

I use the HamRadioDeluxe and MacLoggerDX software for radio control and logging, spotting and satellite tracking which auto logs to LOTW, QRZ, EQSL and I also enjoy reciprocating QSL via the BUREAU and DIRECT QSL.

I am a member of 3 local clubs here in Eastern Pennsylvania USA, EPARA, DLARC and TechNight and enjoy many radio related activities and the camaraderie.

The trick now a days is to stay healthy and live to enjoy the next day...

73 GL TU for the contact.

-Frank de KF2FI


My Ham Shack play ground here consists of an arsenal of multi-mode radio equipment new/old which has served me well over the years.

HF: Icom IC-7300 SDR transceiver, IC-PW1 Auto Tuner/SolidState KiloWatt Power Amp,
QRP/P: Elecraft KX3/PX3, Buddipole 9-band dipole, Sotabeams 3 band clip dipole,
QRP Labs Ultimate 3SQRSS/WSPR
SDR: Afedri-SDR-Net/SDRConsole, SdrPlay-SDR/SDRuno, DSP ClearSpeech NR spk.
DX Engineering RTR-1A Antenna interface, RPA-1 HF preamp,
CW: HamCrafters WinKeyer USB keyer and the K42 CW Keyboard/decoder
Begali CW Machine keyer, Begali Sculpture, Begali Signature Pro and
Begali Adventure/KX3 paddles, Bencher RJ-1 straight key,
160-10m Carolina Windom 60'h. North/South,
80-10m Alpha-Delta fanned dipole 45'h. East/West perdicular in the same antenna field.

VHF/UHF: Kenwood TS-790A Multi-Mode VHF/UHF Transceiver running barefoot,
Cushcraft 13 element VHF yagi and 3 element UHF yagi, Hy-Gain rotor controller,
Comet GP-3, GP-9, Arrow dual-band j-pole,
Uniden BCD996T scanner, Icom Discone antenna.

Portable: Icom IC-T90A 6m/2m/70cm Xmit .5M-1G Rec HT,
ICOM IC-W32A 2m/70cm Dual band HT,
ICOM IC-32AT 2m/70cm Dual band HT.

Mobile: Kenwood TM-D710G APRS dual band, Kenwood TM-733 2m/70cm dual band.

Packet/APRS: Kantronics KAM XL, KAM 9600, AEA PK-232 extended

Supporting computer interface:
West Mountain Radio RigBlaster Advantage Digital Interface,
HP 970 Pavilion, i7 6-dual core 3.20GHz 64-bit CPU, 12.0 GB dual boot to Windoz10 and Linux Ubuntu
Apple MacBook Pro, i7 4-dual core 2.3GHz 64-bit CPU, 16 GB dual boot to OS/X and Windoz10
HamRadioDeluxe, MacLoggerDX, WSJT-X, JTAlertX, Fldigi, CW Skimmer, MRP4066,
Raspberry Pi 3's, Arduino Uno.


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