W2BRM Brian R. Malone, B.S., M.S., R.Ph. Biography:
The W2BRM Amateur Radio Station is located in Suffolk County, on the North Shore of Long Island, New York, in the Town of Huntington, in the hamlet of Halesite, formerly Huntington Harbor, named after Nathan Hale, whom was considered an American hero of the American Revolutionary War, and also a place where Albert Einstein once lived. It is located about 30 miles (50 kilometers) east of New York City.
I have been an amateur radio operator since 1970 when I was 13, almost 50 years ago, starting with the FCC Novice License Call-Sign, WN2RZW.
I have many amateur radio operators in the family including my dad and father-in-law (both SK). I have 5 children-3 girls and 2 boys, hoping at least one will get their FCC license some day.
I practice as a hospital pharmacist and I am the administrative director and medication safety officer at a large teaching hospital on Long Island and as a part-time professor at Saint John's University, College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences & Faculty at the NYU Long Island School of Medicine.
I am a member of the ARRL, QCWA, GSBARC, LARC and the International Pharmacists Ham Group & IPHG W2 coordinator.
My Ham Radio Interests
Mostly on HF and enjoy CW, SSB and RTTY.
Mobile: VHF/UHF.
Hobbies: radio, computering, boating, fishing, photography, home carpentry-wood working renovation projects.
73 and God Bless you all, Brian W2BRM, Long Island, New York
My Equipment
*FT DX 3000/FT-817/FT-8900
*Full Collins S Line Station
*Wyman ATV Transceiver
*Palstar HF-Auto Antenna Tuner
*Elecraft KPA-500 Solid-State HF Amplifier
*Tower Antennae: CL-33 WARC 4 El HF Beam, A270-10S VHF/UHF duo-band multi-element Beam, and combo VHF/UHF Tri-band Vertical.
*40-80 MTR Inverted V
*10-160 MTR G5RV
*10-80 Ground Mounted Vertical