Hello and thanks for looking me up. I was first licensed in 2004 as a Novice with the call sign VK6HKM. Upgraded license class to Advanced in 2005 with the call sign VK6ZCM. In 2008 I obtained my current call of VK6VP.
Our licensing authority (ACMA) permits Australian amateur radio stations the use of the AX prefix each year on Australia Day (26 January), ANZAC Day (25 April) and Int'l Telecommunications Day (17 May). On these occasions I may be heard using the special prefix call sign AX6VP.
I grew up with ham radio as a kid in the 60's and 70's spending many happy hours in the shack with my father, helping him build equipment and antennas, and listening in on all the great Dx QSO's. My Dad (Viv) also held the calls of VK6ZCM and then VK6VP until his passing in 1990.
I'm kind of semi-retired after a 20 year career as a police officer, and work part time with an agricultural farm supplies company and at the local hardware store. Also served 16 years military service in the Australian Army Reserve. Currently an active member of our local State Emergency Service unit.
The QTH is a five acre property on the outskirts of Moora, a small country town in the West Australian wheatbelt, about 180 kms north of Perth. The main farming focus here is broadacre farming of cereal crops, sheep for meat and wool production and cattle feed lots.
My preferred method of QSLing is via eQSL. I am an 'Authenticity Guaranteed' subscribing member of this service.
I'm not a paper QSL card collector and don't usually send paper QSL cards, but I'm happy to send you one direct should you require one. I will reply to all cards received direct (no need to send cash, IRCs or SAE).
As I am not a member of the VK Bureau, please do not send your QSL card via the bureau, thanks.
If we have just worked, thanks for the QSO. If not, then I look forward to meeting you on air.
Best 73, de Keith. VK6VP
Worked DXCCs:
Yaesu FT-901DM, Yaesu FT-101ZD MkIII, Yaesu FT-897D, Emtron DX-1d linear amp running 400 watts when required.
HB36C,6 element full sized yagi for 10,15 & 20 metres @ 17 metres
Hex beam for 10,12,15,17 & 20 metres @ 9 metres and a
ground mounted 1/4 wave vertical with 50 radials for 40 metres.