"QRP - By Adventure"
and a 30 Foot Vertical.
Thank you for visiting my QRZ Page. If we have had a contact, thanks for the QSO!
I typically operate at 5 watts or less using a Kenwood TS140S (which I've had for nearly 35 years) connected to a homebrew 30ft wire vertical.
If the bands are open and signals are strong, then I prefer QRPp (less than 1 watt), where I use a 41 db attenuator enabling me to go down to milliwatts at the push of a button.
I like to chase DX, mainly operating on 20m, 15m and 10m bands
When out in the bush, I use QRP Labs QSX-mini's, (5 watts) with an Emtech ZM 2 ATU, coupled through either a 20 ft random wire mounted on a squid pole or an End Fed Half Wave antenna. Whatever works on the day.
I’m a member of the SKCC club ( #26845), the NAQCC (North American QRP CW Club) (#11467), the VK QRP club (#483) and FISTS( #21748).
In regards to QSL cards, I'm a member of EQSL and respond 100% to cards received.
I look forward to seeing you on the bands!
73’s, Mark - VK4MFX