First licensed 1961 in USA state of Minnesota as WN0ARA. Held that call until QSY to California in 1980 with callsigns KE6GF and (still active) NF6V. Another QSY to Australia in 2007 where I am now VK3TDX.
Main activity is contesting and I am proud to be a member of the VK Contest Club.
I currently hold two VK contesting records - CQ RTTY DX and CQ RTTY WPX. I enjoy all modes of operation but RTTY seems to be my sweet-spot. With my advancing age (almost 66) I like the automation aspect of RTTY contesting. Copying CW or SSB in 48 hour contests is getting a bit physically demanding for me. Hi.
Primary rig is Icom IC-7700 with either a Collins 30L-1 or Heathkit SB-221 amplifier. The current Australia power limit is 400 watts and I comply. The VK regulating agency allowed a 1 year higher power trial allowing 1KW for hams that has now expired and regretfully have decided not to allow this on a permanent basis. Very disappointing for VK contesters who choose to obey the rules. I have an Icom 756-Pro2 backup rig and an IC-7000 in my garage so I can do housework while listening to the sounds of ham radio crackle, splatter etc in the background. Several boat anchors adorn my shack as well and I enjoy firing them up from time to time.
My antenna farm features a Cushcraft A3S tribander at about 20 meters high in the clear looking to most of the world as I am near a hilltop. I have a very effective 40 meter vertical with an 80 meter inverted L feeding off it. I also have a 43 meter diagonal length rhombic for 20M-10M pointed on central EU that is especially effective on ten meters. I think the takeoff on this antenna is below 5 degrees! I also have a rotatable dipole for WARC bands and a modest inverted L off my tower for 160. For major contests I assemble a second (temporary) rhombic pointing SP/LP to North America that is only about 25 - 30 feet up but still a bit better than the yagi.
Not much interest in VHF/UHF but I do have a six meter yagi on the tower top.