Born 1942 - Married with 3 daughters, 8 grand children
Been licenced amateur since 1969
Retired from communication industry with the ACMA 1997 and since worked in comms
service and still working one day per week.
Radio interests -- weak signal 144MHz to 10GHz
EME:- 2m 4x18H(5wl) DJ9BV optimised by VE7BQH, LNA PA3BIY ATF54143 - 500 watts, full Az and El
EME 1296m 3.7m dish septum feed no choke ring, LNA G4DDK mk2 preamp - 300 watt SSPA, Full Az and El
EME 432m 26el single yagi, 400 watt SSPA no elevation
2m 4x18H(5wl) DJ9BV optimised by VE7BQH, LNA PA3BIY ATF54143 - 500 watt
432m 26el single yagi, 400 watt SSPA
1296MHz 4x40el DL6WU antenna, 120 watt SSPA
2.4GHz 900x600 gridpack antenna 100 watt SSPA
3.4GHz 600mm offset dish 20 watt SSPA portable use only
5.7GHz 600mm offset dish 7 watt SSPA portable use only
10.0 GHz 600mm ofset dish 2 watt SSPA portable use only