I have been a licensed amateur since 1984.
I have spent my career 1973-2015 working in electronics, servicing radio/tv, telecommunications, vhf/uhf radios, electronic business machines and networking, so amateur radio is a good fit to keep up with electronics. I met a ham radio operator when I was 9 years old who helped me with my electronics interest. I was in grade 9 when I took my first ham radio class. I could sure absorb knowledge easier in those days. I have been spending most of my HF time using FT8, and other interest is winlink, d-star, fusion, DMR, APRS and Allstar. Outside of Amateur radio my other hobby is Progressive rock and Jazz. Hamshack hot line number is 6100
716 OMISS #12983
Worked DXCCs:
hygain TH2-MK3,icom 7100, icom7300,home mede 40 and 80 dipoles.