Married 50+ years to my XYL Jan, both were licensed in May 2018 as basic with honors. Members of the Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club, located in Owen Sound, Ontario.
We are parents, Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents. We are retired and so they all keep us hopping and very active. I will not mention the number of grand kids and great grand kids because the number keeps increasing and I don't want to re-edit all the time. It's enough to say it's a good sized group now.
Currently in the the home shack we run as follows:
HF: Kenwood TS-480S, and EF HW 10-80 wire and Comet 10-80 vertical.
VHF:Icom IC-2300H
Mobile: (truck mounted)
HF Yaesu FT-891 with companion tuner. Hustler 20 and 40 mobile whips. We also have a mount for a Chameleon 10-80 17 foot whip, used while stationary.
Yaesu mobile (model forgotten as I write this)
Xiegu G90 with various portable wire and whip antenna's. (Tuner and Amp for use in stationary situations)
Battery and solar powered station.
HT: Yaseu FT70D X2
Baofeng UV5R x2