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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-09-05 08:53:47 UTC









Active user

activity index: 1 of 5

James Harmon

Canada, ON

image of ve3rtv

Call data

Last update:2023-06-26 10:33:48
Main prefix:VE
Federal state:ON
DXCC Zone:1
ITU Zone:9
CQ Zone:5

QSL data

Last update:2018-07-01 10:56:55
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


Hi Jim here VE3RTV.
Thanks for stopping by. I've been a ham now for a number of years and for the time I have been on the air I met lot's of great folks.
I started off when I first got my ticket I had an handheld Icom 02AT.

Then after a year later I bought a used Kenwood TS-530s and used it for a number of years then I sold it and bought a Yaesu FT-757. Then it wasn't too long I bought Yaesu FT 840 back 2001 and set them side by side. I sure got good use out the Yaesu FT 757 and it was showing it's age time. So I sold it and bought another FT 840.
And then this year 2018 I bought a new Yaesu FT DX-1200. It's a nice rig and I haven't got 1/4 way thru the manual. One of my 840's was acting up so the 1200 replaced it. I got rid of the other Yaesu 840 that I bought back in 2001 it gave up too. And I still use my G5RV and bought way back in 1992. I had replaced the wires three over the years. So it's still up and running to this day. Not bad for a little antenna that only cost me $89.00 it owes me nothing, plus now I have for the passed 2 years I have tapped into flight simulating. I have built a little flight simulator in my basement and it all made of wood. I have alot of fun with that too. Who says you can't have enough hobby's. So with everything around the house things keeps me busy.

Our QTH is Trenton in Ontario.Canada
Hope to hear you on the bands down the log.

Take care,

73 de,
Jim VE3RTV & Barb VA3BJX.


Heil PR 40 mic
EQ plus by W2IHY
Yaesu FT-847 all mode Transceiver and Yaesu FTdx-1200 HF/50MHz only use the HF side of the rig.
No 6 meter antenna on the tower.
HF Antenna - G5RV, I have 2-X 50 antenna's on the tower one for 2 meters and 440 and other x 50 for receiving for scanner.
MFJ-949D Deluxe Versa Tuner II.
Realistic Pro 2036 - 200 channel scanner.


Rev. 79e8212576