Born in Kyiv, Ukraine. Introduced to the hobby by my father as SWL UB5-065177 in early 1970s. Since 1993 live in Ontario, Canada. In May 2020 got my basic (with honors) ticket, upgraded to the advanced license in April 2021. Went on air as VA3OKG on July 4, 2020.
My primary areas of interest are DX-ing, DIY antenna projects, and contesting. I change bands frequently, and prefer quick QSOs over rag-chewing. The air time is split 90/10 between CW and SSB. As for digital modes - until recently did not find them too exciting except on 6 m. But after significant decrease in CW activity in the last years use FT8 and FT4 more often.
QSL info. The logs are uploaded to LOTW, EQSL, CLUBLOG and QRZ. If your QRZ page indicates this is ok, I send my paper QSLs via bureau or direct when I need yours.
Retired since January 2023. Among other hobbies - fishing, cooking, serious reading and good wine. Whenever possible, my wife and I enjoy travel, both domestic and international.
Thank you for visiting my page, and hope to meet you on the air!
73! Konstantin (Kosta) Oleynikov
Worked DXCCs:
ICOM 7300
LDG AT-100 ProII auto-tuner
Bencher BY-1 paddle
Built several homebrew wire dipoles, verticals, and loops supported by backyard vegetation. The size of the property is limited, and tree branches do not allow raising feed point more than 30 feet (10m) above the ground. However, they enjoy a nice view of Lake Simcoe some 100 feet below.
Current setup:
80-6m G5RV dipole
80-10m Cobra UltraLite junior
160m bent vertical
10m Moxon beam
6m 3-el Yagi