Born in 1962 in Lviv, Ukrainian family. His path began in radio in 1976 on Collective Radio UK5WBK.
In 1979 he graduated from high school and enrolled in the University of Lviv to the Chemistry Department.
In 1981 he was drafted into the Army troops in Government Communications. After the service, he continued his studies.
In 1983 he was brought to trial under Art. 64 for anti-Soviet organizational activity.
Since 1993 - President Expeditionary Radio Club named after Stepan Bandera "ERSB"
Worked DXCCs:
My rig Yaesu FT-897D pwr 100 w.
Ant Hustler 4BTV (10 15 20 40)m. Dipole (30 17)m.
GP (430 144)MHz. Delta 80m. Mobile - Yaesu FT-270R.
MY RIG in dig mode FT 897D PWR 25W . Ant Hustler 4BTV , Delta 80 m. Interface: RigExpert Tiny. Software: MixW 2.20 . PC Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66 GHz 4 GB RAM HDD 1000 Gb OS Windows 7.