Ex:UA9-130-1175 (SWL), UA9UHG
RDRC #1555
Activator Russian AirField Award - ZE0V,HK-66
ARCK #832
Knights of the sky #62
Worked DXCCs:
...HF - Icom756 100w.,FT - 897
Dipole (H=7m.) - 17 and 10m .
Inverted Vee (H=12m.) - 20,40,30,15m.
JPC - 12 (mobile)
...VHF - FT-2800m(65w.) - 7el.Yagi(H=12m.) - 2m.
SAT FM - TH8000D(8w.) + UV99(10w.) - 3el.+ 4el.Yagi(42cm long).
...Unfortunately , I don't go on the air very often....It all depends on the job...