My name is Piotr. I live in Elbląg, Poland. Thank you very much for visiting my page. I invite you to read my story. There were three amateur radio operators in my family: Franek SP4HEO (SK), Zygmunt SP2HMJ (SK) and Stanisław SP2MEH (SK). Radio was an inseparable companion of my life. In my childhood I listened to the sounds coming from my parents' radio receivers. I often fell asleep with a small radio under my pillow. In 2012, I started listening to broadcasting stations on long, medium and short waves. I have many beautiful QSL cards. Between December 2018 and April 2019 I managed to listen to amateur radio stations under the callsign SP4001SWL. In 2019 I passed the exam and received the SQ4MIK call. The suffix comes from the name of my beloved cat Mik (Mikuś in Polish). She appeared on my QSL card.
I send PAPER QSL ONLY for SSB, FM and CW modes - via bureau or direct (SAE+2$). I upload my all QSOs to LOTW, eQSL,, CLUBLOG and HAMLOG.
Worked DXCCs: