Welcome to my QRZCQ page!
My name is Slavek (it's easier to pronounce than from originally Slawek or oficially Slawomir). For years, I've been dealing with regular phone communication, then all GSM, and currently focused on maritime GMDSS & SAT and after work - amateur radio frequencies.
Proud member of SP1PBW ( - the best amateur radio club in my city.
Because I am surrounded by a forest, daily experimenting with antennas, transformers, chokes or software ... and always I hope for interesting QSOs. My radio-shack is very simple: radio (supergift from my sueprwife) and multiband end-fed antenna at a height of about 5 meters. I prefer home made antennas and main idea that something is amateur ... Yagi is OK but home made, tower is OK but home made.
Vy 73!
SP1SZ - Slawomir
Worked DXCCs:
Yaesu FT-991A (not home made :))
End-Fed working from 80m (home made)