I passed amateur radio exam in 1981 and got my first callsign YU3TEU. Then I upgraded my licence and my callsign changed to YT3DM. I was active SWL as YU3-RS-1088. After the independence war in 1991 I changed the callsign to S52DM and SWL to S5-RS-001 (No.1 SWL in Slovenia) smiley. In 1996 I changed my callsign again to my present callsign S57D.
I ♥ QRP. My QRP rigs are QCX (4W), CRICKET 40 (700mW), ICOM IC-705 (5/10W), Yaesu FT-817ND (5W), QRPGuys DSB Digital FT8 Transceiver (2,5W on 7MHz, 1,5W on 10MHz and 1W on 14MHz) and Bayou Jumper (5W) - the modern version of the famous WWII transceiver "Paraset" (The Whaddon Mk VII - Paraset Clandestine Radio). My QRO rig (100W) is ICOM IC-7300. I am active SOTA (Summits On The Air) activator and chaser.
If you hear me near this frequencies calling CQ I am working with the Bayou Jumper (PARASET) transceiver. I have regenerative receiver which is very wide - it is wide as a barn door, HI. Please, reply also with my callsign several times so I will know you are calling me, not somebody else few kHz away:
I am the member of:
- 10-10 International membership number # 42036
- EPC (European PSK Club) membership number # 4276
- Feld Hell Club membership number FH 1373
- NAQCC (The North American QRP CW Club) lifetime member # 4300
- CTC ( Croatian Telegraphy Club) membership number # 2652
- 9A QRP Club membership number # 89
- 4SQRP ID number # 1338
- SKCC (Straight Key Century Club) lifetime member # 17020
- FT8DMC (FT8 Digital Mode Club) membership number # 06364
All SWL reports are welcome and will be answered 100%
My APRS activity: S57D-9 (car), S57D-6 (home QTH, WX station, iGate), S57D-7 (pedestrian / SOTA)
- Icom IC-7300
- ICOM IC-705
- Icom IC-2730E
- Yaesu FT-817ND
- Yaesu VX-8DE
- Bayou Jumper - the modern version of the famous WWII transceiver "Paraset" (The Whaddon Mk VII - Paraset Clandestine Radio)
- QCX 40
- AnyTone AT-D878UV
- QRPGuys DSB Digital FT8 Transceiver