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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-03 09:18:13 UTC









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SI-6244 SI-6244 PODGRAD

image of s55sl

Call data

Last update:2013-06-02 08:01:07
Main prefix:S5
DXCC Zone:499
ITU Zone:28
CQ Zone:15

QSL data

Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


My first licenceI got in 1957at radio club Piran ex YU3HIJ when IstudiedatNautical school in Piran.After thatI was in High nautical schoolin Rijeka and in YU2ARS radio club.From 1960 to 1964 I was radio officer on the merchant ships under ex Yugoslav flag.The mentionedI repeated three times ,the first time from 1960 to 1964, next period from 1975 to 1979 and then againfrom 1985 to 1987. I traveled 6 times all arround the world. One year to West Africa and on the line Meditreran - North America I went to the West Coast of U.S.A. One of my most interesting journeys was the one with an old Liberty ship named S/S "ROG" YTBR. We traveled without a radar in the fog from Gibraltar to North Europe and St. Petersburg ex Leningrad. jThe bigest problem without radar was a Chanell .After I finished to study in Rijeka my next was a new radioclub in Ilirska Bistrica YU3DGO that is very close tomy home. My home is a small but very nice village named Podgrad what means the place under the castel. Since 1998 I'm retired,but I keep myself busy, by helping my family in upholstery business and all works arround the house.

In the contests I only make some ten to hundred qso just to give points and maybe make some new one band or mode.



Honor roll DXCC mixed ( #338 curent and #341 total) need VK0H and KP1 only for Honor Roll Nr.1.

Honor roll SSB (#335 curent and #338 total)

DXCC CW #328 curent and #330 total)

DXCC DIGI new one (#155) worked #202

DXCC CHALLENGE 1500, ( nw cfmd #1975)

6 m band #99 (worked #106) waiting , OK.6V.,YV., EX.JX.,UK., and ZA

2 m band #26 (worked #30) waiting T9.,EM.,TK.,GW.

5BWAZ(200 zone) now cfmd 196

WAZ CW nr.290 and

WAZ mixed.

IOTA PLAQUE OF EXCELLENCE No.358 ( #801 , nw cfmd #780) and

IOTA 2004 Silver.

VPX OF EXCELLENCE + 160m & HR mix/cw/ssb.

WAS mixed.

Vasco da Gama with all stickers,

Antarctica award HONOUR ROLL with 30 Waba Nr.037

EWWA top list mixed nr.35.

Council of Europe Radio Club Award nr 40.

Diploma Castelli Italiani Top list with ower 2000 qso with Italian castels but i still work castels and till now have worked ower 5000 castels references.

John Poul Gold

Award Slovenia award and

UL Slovenia 400.

QSL via buro and via club S59DGO. E QSL is OK I cfm if you are in the log. Direct mostly I send and then wait some as C21RK and via IZ8CCW , CT1AKD and some others including also some cultural country, for years too.

My wife is S56REM

my son S57MBS

my daughter is S56RSB



As S5 country I begin with Kenwood TS-50 worked almost 315 DXCC. Then I bought the Kenwood TS-2000E.

Antena Cushcraft A744 on top of the roof and windom for all bands and dipole for 80m. The best antena is home made 5 el. for 6m. For 2 m 15 el home made.


Rev. d69bcd51a6