I was born back in 1958 in the small Russian town of Rubtsovsk, Altai Krai.
He started doing amateur radio in 1984.
Like most novice radio amateurs, I started with observing (SWL) the work of amateur radio stations. Then there was a pretty big break. I resumed my hobby only after retirement, in 2019. At first I had an observer (SWL) call sign - R6H-212.
Well, since being retired, I had more free time and opportunities, I decided to try myself as a "full-fledged" amateur radio operator (HAM). Therefore, in 2020, I passed the relevant tests and received the call sign R6FHE, which allows me to work on the air, including for transmission.
As for working on the air, I liked digital types of broadcasts more. Especially FT8 and FT4. As for the bands I work on, my capabilities are limited by the availability of appropriate antennas. So far, the set of antennas that I have does not allow me to fully use the low-frequency ranges of 80 and 160 meters. But I am working on overcoming this obstacle and I hope that in the near future I will be able to master these ranges as well.
I wish all my hobby colleagues success on amateur radio bands, rare DX and pleasant QSOs! 73!
Victor Vivian (R6FHE, aka R6H-212).
Worked DXCCs:
My transceiver: Icom IC-7300