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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-14 21:20:09 UTC









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22270-005 Rio de Janeiro
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

image of py1nk

Call data

Last update:2015-09-20 02:00:24
QTH:Rio de Janeiro, Botafogo beach
Main prefix:PY
Federal state:Rio de Janeiro
US county:Brasil
Latitude:22º57'17.54" S
Longitude:43º11'36.14" W
DXCC Zone:108
ITU Zone:15
CQ Zone:11

QSL data

Last update:2014-12-14 11:27:41
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES


Thanks for your visiting.

How my radio ham story began.

My passion for radio was manifested in 1963 when I was then 10 years old. I was fascinated by radio and mainly by telecommunications. At this time, I began to study eletronic and radio technique alone. All literature, magazines or books that fell into my hands on these matters were literally "devoured". In regular studies, was finishing elementary school, first grade today. The next year in 1964, I made my first electronic mount a radio receiver "hot frame" super heterodyne with five valves.

Later this radio formed the basis for my first receiver to track the 11 meter. From 1964 until 1966 other assemblies ensued. In 1967 I set up my first station transceiver in eleven meters. The super-heterodyne receiver was six miniature valves (6BZ6, 6BE6, 6BA6, 6AV6, 6AQ5, 6X4). The AM transmitter was five Watts of input and had 5 miniature valves (6AU6, 6AW8A, 6BM8, OA2, 6X4) worked the crystal or VFO. At that time, citizens band, had not yet been regulated in Brazil. Due to impeccable ethical stance, and organization of the majority of its pioneers operators, and the Center for Operators Radio Citizen Band (CORFACI), with units in most Brazilian states, had the outcome its regulations in 1970.
The twenty-sixth day of August, nineteen hundred and seventy , I paid exam for operator citizens band class A. I received the call sign of PX1A0062 Case N 40 157/70 on 31/08/1970 . This event was published by the magazine Popular Electronics in September / October and November /December 1970. I was 17 year old.

I stayed with my license active citizen band until April 2000 . Have my ticket on the National Network for Amateur Radio , occurred in 1989 with the call sign of class " C" PU1MAW , four years later , I was approved for Class " B " indicative of PY1DAM . Four years later , in 1997 pay examination for promotion to class "A " in which reached full success and chose to remain with the same call sign of PY1DAM . On 01/03/2012 I changed my call sign to PY1NK .The year 2013 completes 16 years in the class "A" and 46 total years of radio.Participated in various events within the amateur radio , including highlight green yellow contest " CVA " sponsored by the School of Communication of the Brazilian Army.

Participated in the 1st course of the National Radio Emergency Network Emergency Amateur Radio RENER - RJ held in the School of Communications of the Brazilian Army.

Currently, continuous participant brotherhood soldering iron experimenting and testing equipment and antennas mounted for me. Raise the banner of amateur radio that says: "Make yourself as much as you can to improve and upgrade their station." I am active in the amateur bands and I am a staunch promoter of our patron Father Roberto Landell de Moura his life and his legacy. Recently I advised the board of the Military Amateur Radio Club in the reactivation of amateur radio station PY1CML headquartered in this house, in regard to its technical, functional and operational structure.
This work was conducted in conjunction with its director Cel. Raul Augusto Borges PY1RAB, unique figure in favor of amateur radio.

I also created the FRIENDS ASSOCIATION of PY1CML (2008) and CLAMOR (Landell de Moura Club of Amateur Radio)(2009) statutes and their logos.




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