I'm begin in radio 1992 in 27 MHZ.
I'm born in 1964 and live in Santa Catarina Island (Florianópolis) - SA 026.
The radio is a real passion for me !
QSL 100%, by mail, by car, by train, by horse....
Callsign in 11 meters: 3WJR01 and PX5B7882.
Icom IC 718 (hf)
Yaesu FT 101 ZD (hf)(old, very good and beautifull rig)
Cobra 148 GTL (11 m)
Icom IC 281H (vhf)
Voyager VR h88 - ht vhf
Antena Cubica 1 element - 10/11 m
Antena Ringo 5/8 - 10/11m
Antena Pixote dipole - 80/40/20/15/11/10 m
Morgain antena (20 and 10 m)
Antena Brasilia vertical 5/8 (vhf)
Yagi 3 elements 10/11 meters.