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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-12 09:13:44 UTC









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Jan Hiemstra

1702EL Heerhugowaard

image of pe1fsy

Call data

Last update:2021-10-29 23:58:03
Main prefix:PA
DXCC Zone:263
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2021-10-29 21:46:42
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


From beginning of 2021 I started to pick up again the HAM Radio activities and re-activated my license after many years.

Maybe because of the pandemic and all restrictions, I had more and more feeling to be in the air again.

When I went through all kinds of documentation and info from YouTube, I discovered that the HAM Radio World hasn’t been standing still. These days, compared with the ‘old’ times the equipment and modulation options has been changed much. Interresting.

Problem at my side is for placing antenna’s. But I think that for the moment I have a reasonable setup that is working from 40m up to 2m and 70cm.

First I started with an AnyTone 878 handheld. This was also to discover DMR. The repeater was too far away so I arranged a Hotspot at home and later on also a Hotspot in the car.

Next was to work with some more power and more mobile. That both for 2m and 70cm. For this I arranged the AnyTone 578 with a mobile antenna on the car. It is doing its job good and can connect to various repeaters (FM and DRM).

But finally I was looking for a way to work normal from home and to make a shack.

For this I bought a Yaesu FT-991A to work on the HF and eventually 2M/70cm. With some tricks it was possible to mount a Comet SBB-7 and a ATAS-120A vertical antenna nearly on the top of the roof. Just below my shack. Of course these are not great antenna’s but they do their job and I can make contact yes.

Recently in FT8 mode on HF contact with USA, Cuba, Brazil. Super…!

For the moment there is enough to try-out and to discover with my equipment. But in a later stage my intention is to go up in the GHz frequencies with ATV and try making contact with some satellites. That is for future projects... maybe.

Little history:

Actually I got my license in 1981. At that time busy with making transmitters, amplifiers and other stuff for 70cm and 2 meter. It was the time with the introduction of the VIC20, Commodore computer and the first Apple Macintosh.

It was an exciting time with making PCB’s and trying to use the Commodore computer already for a kind of data transfer.

Later after graduating in electronics at the Polytechnic school and military duty I had not much time for the HAM Radio hobby. Started my first job as project manager/calculator/draughtsman at an electrotechnical company. Here I staid 3 years and enjoyed the time. But a small local quartz crystal producer needed a person who could support the upgrade of their production line.

And yes that became my job.

At the start the production was still primitive. But in the 10 years as Production- and Commercial manager there, we came up to a reasonable middle level producer for quartz crystals and crystal oscillators. From 1997 to 2003, I was member of IEC workgroup 49 (International Electronic Committee) for making standards used for quartz crystal and crystal oscillator production and measurement.

The experience from the ‘old time’ to make transmitters etc. did help a lot to advise engineers.

From 1998 I started my own company in mainly trading of frequency related products. With a short stop of a view years, I am still running this company and supply a wide range of frequency related devices like oscillators, up/down converters, amplifiers, quartz crystals, SAW- and MCF filters etc. with customers all over the world. (

Although I haven’t been active as Ham Radio Amateur for a long time, my personal interest has been always about frequency related products.

With this bio I hope to gave you some impression of PE1FSY. Maybe we will have a QSO or probably had already.

Thank you for reading and 73

Worked DXCCs:


Yeasu FT-991A
AnyTone 578
AnyTone 878 (porto)

Antenna: Comet SBB-7, ATAS-120A


Rev. 8e93a81e86