Welcome to my virtual shack on my SWL drives page.
My name is Pieter and was born in 1961 and since 1988 I have lived in Veenendaal, a town in the middle of the Netherlands.
I got my first receiver around 1974. A Marcony type 88. With a long-wire antenna of 20 mtr, a whole new world opened up for me. I also bought a Yeasu 7700. It was later exchanged for a LOWE HF225-Europe.
Around 1998 the hobby moved to the background and in 2012 I sold the equipment. But after the Marcony was last sold, it wasn't long before the radio blood started to bubble again. And then another radio is bought.
The Icom R-70 was in the shack. But this one is now also in the shack with a fellow amateur, Robbert Janssen.
As a Dutch listening amateur I am of course a member of the Benelux DX Club,
Worked DXCCs:
* Elad FDM-S3 with the TM-2 controller. (main set)
* JRC NRD-535
* Lowe HF-150 (marine version)
* RTL-SDR Blog V3 dongle
* SDR play RSP2
* Uniden BCT15X (main scanner)
* Uniden UBC125XLT
* Uniden UBC9000XLT
Network radio's:
* Anysecu W2plus Zello radio (call: Pieter61 or PA0033SWL)
* Inrico S2000 porto (call: P-Post)
Other equipment:
* Air!Squitter (for ADS-B and Flarm) (
* Fleetmon R4000N (for AIS reception)
* Active L-band Patch Antenna
* Wellbrook ALA1530-LNP with rotor
* Miniwhip
* 12 mtr long-wire with balun
* MLA30
* Diamond A144S10R2 2mtr Beam
* DPD MilTenna Omni UHF / VHF (
* Active Diapason Antenne (1090 MHz)(
* Active Diapason AA 868 Antenne FLARM (
Used software:
* ARCXT - software for the Uniden BCT15X.
* ARC125 - software for the UBC125XLT.
* Easypal v07 - for digital SSTV.
* EIBview v3.0 - the HF frequency list.
* Elad FDM-SW2 v3.47 - the software for the Elad FDM-S3.
* Jaero - decode Immarsat.
* Jaero Display - nice tool for Jaero.
* JTDX - For decode digital signals.
* MMSSTV v1.13A - for analog SSTV.
* MRP40 v62 - the decoder for CCW.
* MSHV - Decoder for amateur modes.
* MultiPSK - decoder for varius digital signals.
* Scytalic-C - an other decoder for Immarsat then Jaero.
* SDR-Console - the software for the RTL-S3 stick.
* Tekmanoid - std-C decoder.
* WSJTX - the decoder for WSPR.
* YADD - a nice DSC decoder.
* YAND - a nice naftex decoder.