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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-22 12:59:05 UTC









Active user

activity index: 1 of 5

Stephan Muller (Steve)


image of oz3sm

Call data

Last update:2020-05-28 10:43:35
QTH:nr Copenhagen
Main prefix:OZ
DXCC Zone:221
ITU Zone:18
CQ Zone:14

Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2020-05-28 10:43:01
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


I was licensed in 1962. All of my gear in my first years was home built. In the beginning all tube based
constructions, followed with many generations of transistor based constructions. I operated both CW and phone but CW soon became my favorit mode. While my kids grew up ham radio was shelved until 1982, when a Drake TR4 made me start ham operation again. The Drake was replaced by an IC 737A in 1994. In 2003 purchased the KX1 portable TRX as my first Elecraft product. In 2008 Elecrafts K3 took over in the home shack. For the field operations the KX3 was acquired in 2012.

There are many issues to consider on a little 900m2 housing lot concerning HF antennas. Through the years many different antennas have been built and tested. My best multi band antenna for operation on all HF bands 160 to10m is, without doubt, the vertical 80m loop with open feeder from mid of one of the vertical masts to the shack, where a balanced manual tuner does an excellent job.

One year ago I finally build the Hexbeam I had studied and dreamt about for years. A lightweight aluminum mast (my former 43’ vertical) raised the Hexbeam 12 meter up by means of a hand wince. The performance of the Hexbeam has been excellent and injected new life into my ham radio operation.

I enjoy DXing mostly in CW, but SSB and digi-modes make their way into the operation in order to get new DXCCs. In recent years I have had great pleasure while participating in the major WW-contests.

Based on a degree in electrical engineering I have had many interesting jobs that featured: Automatic industrial control; Engineering Consultant projects for cable extruding machinery; development of microprocessor control systems for the cement, pharmaceutical and brewery industries; design of oil and gas topside instrumentation systems; supervision of electrical installations in the Copenhagen Metro transportation; design of electrical and mechanical systems for two major airports in Oman.
I am now retired and can fully attend to my main interests that beside my family is skiing, snowboarding, windsurfing, sailing and ham radio.

Memberships: EDR, ARRL w Lotw, CDXC, CWops

Worked DXCCs:


My working conditions:

Home station – OZ3SM, 20km north of Copenhagen in Horsholm.

RIG: Elecraft K3 and P3, SSPA output 700 W

1) Multiband 160 to 10 and 80M Loop in vertical plane with open feeder to balanced tuner in shack.

2) Bands 20 to 10M a 5BB- Hexbeam 12m up.

For diversity receive antennas I use magnetic loops and K9AY antennas.

I enjoy portable operation and have many good experiences from high altitude sites in the French Alps

Mobile operation - OZ3SM/P.

RIG: Elecraft KX1 or Elecraft KX3; output 5-10W

ANT: GP verticals and 2 x 7m dipole with open feeder tuned to bands 40 – 6.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
OZ3SM / Hexbeam, 80m vertical loop and Magloop

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