Ham radio since 1980, I was very active on VHF and UHF bands, looking specially for DX contacts. I was also dxing very often on 80 and 40'.
Teacher retired, I am now very busy with chivalric orders. So, I am Grand Prior for Belgium of the Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta) and Duke of Metsovo and of the St Sepulcre. You can see my CV on this webside:
CV del Marchese Don Christian Decouvreur di Tremignon & di .
Now, I am working on a 3 Els delta loop antenna for 40' and I am very satisfed of the first results.
FT-767GX-TS-830M-DX70TH-FT857D (for PSK 31-VHF-UHF)- Al811 amplifier- amplifier 144 MHZ 4cx150.
Antennas: 3 els tribands- 3 els home made delta loop for 40'- FD4-half-slooper for 80.