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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-07-07 13:26:18 UTC









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The French Telegraphic Club

6061 Montignies/s/Sambre

image of on5cft

Call data

Last update:2018-08-23 12:07:29
QTH:Charleroi Belgium
Main prefix:ON
Class:first class
DXCC Zone:209
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2018-08-23 07:05:30
Bureau name:UBA
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:no


History of CFT
At first, I was not connected CW, I was more connected SSB, DX etc ......
But if you want to do Dx in SSB, you have to put means (Pylone, Antenna Engine, Beam etc ....) And when we do the count, it's expensive so I took a different direction.
Knowing 3 WHO (ON4LEX - ON4KML - ON4LFO) who were passionate about CW they gave the CW virus.
I decided to learn telegraphy, which allowed me to contact distant countries (DX). I learned telegraphy in a few months, it was not obvious at first but I was there between 30 to 40 minutes a day.
Birth of CFT (Francophone Club of Telegraphists)
After a period of reflection and study, I went back to work and I created and set up the Francophone Telegraphist Club, which officially opened on December 13th, 2002 with the obtaining of the Call ON5CFT by the BIPT.

To make our activities known, I made a first website, it was a start and as I wanted to achieve something perfect that was not the case for the first site, I started to realize a second site more elaborate and closer to fans of CW.
With a new URL: that I invite you to visit, currently this URL is known worldwide
The purpose of this site
1) Provide a telegraphic training to anyone who requests it, I have ensured hours and hours of VHF QRG 144.100 Mhz CW mode obviously to different Oms they all have succeeded
2) to insure activities since the QRA
3) to perform activities in QRP also 10 WTTS Maxi
4) Now, I'm going to focus on outdoor / outdoor activities on a (well cleared)
5) The CFT is also a member of the EUCW
6) you will have all the information available on the site, antenna testing, skeed, traffic cw, training ... etc ... on the site.
7) In Telegraphy, you will make contacts that you will never do in SSB or the attraction for this mode of modulation that goes everywhere and in any weather
It should be known that during a disaster nothing more works, (gsm, telephone, internet) and electricity is cut, the Telegraphic communications allow to contact the country or countries where the disaster took place and to establish a contact

With Telegraphy, it is possible to provide Cw links over very long distances with a Trx powered at 13 volts 8 with a car battery.
Which allows to communicate with the concerned country or countries

I have two Amateur Radio license,
ON4LDL which is my personal call
ON5CFT which is the call of the CFT (, there are currently 250 members

Worked DXCCs:


The station is composed of different Transceivers
-Tentec Orion II who is the top of the top in CW
-An Icom IC775DSP that I recovered and returned in perfect working order
-We agree Palstar that I use on the BASS BASS
Regarding antennas, I have several types of antennas for CW traffic
Here they are :
-Antenna Delta loop of 84 m for BASS BANDS
-Antenna Vertical home made of 15 m + 10 ground radiant that I use for the DX (angle of departure very low on the horizon 4 °) ideal for long distance
- Beam MA5B from Cushcraft ideal for Dx in CW

Keys CW
1 keys MFJ - 564B
2 Keys Bencher (Paddle Paddle)
1 Keys Kent Paddle
1 Keys Kent Single Paddle

The list of CFT members is on the website and is updated regularly.
For your information membership is totally free.
I hope to contact you soon in CW
73 of on5cft
ON4LDL / ECM / CFT - MembersEUCW

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
ON5CFT / Pic 2

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