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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-01-11 01:40:20 UTC









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Dusan Hanak

CZ-70200 OSTRAVA 2
Czech Republic

czech republic
image of ok2-9329

Call data

Last update:2015-04-07 09:46:13
Main prefix:OK
DXCC Zone:503
ITU Zone:28
CQ Zone:15

QSL data

Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


Short overview: I began work from 1962 year in Radio Club named "VITKOVICE" (now S.F.B.Morse Club) with its call OK2KVI. I worked there by steps in class C, B to A. In the 1972 year I received my own license as OK2SWD but still I´m a short wawe listener. I work CW, SSB on all KV bands and FM on VKV 144 MHz. From 2001 year I also work with digi modes RTTY,PSK31, PSK63, SSTV, OLIVIA and others. I got till now over 480 Awards and many nice QSL cards. You can send me QSL via CRC OK bureau or via eQSL. I have confirmed 268 DXCC countries to the 31th December 2014. I`m a member of CRK, CLC, S.F.B.Morse, 30MDG, DMC and EPC Clubs.

I have new pages at

Translation into Czech language(bez hacku a carek hi): Zacal jsem pracovat v roce 1962 v Radioklubu "VITKOVICE" (nyni S.F.B.Morse Klub) pod jeho znackou OK2KVI. Pracoval jsem zde postupne ve tridach C, B az A. V roce 1972 jsem obdrzel svou vlastni licenci jako OK2SWD, ale stale jsem i radiovym posluchacem. Posloucham CW, SSB na vsech amaterskych KV pasmech a FM na VKV 144 MHz. Od roku 2001 pracuji take s digitalnimi mody RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, SSTV, OLIVIA a dalsimi. Ziskal jsem dosud pres 480 diplomu a mnoho peknych QSL listku. Muzete mi je posilat pres QSL sluzbu CRK nebo pres eQSL sluzbu. K 31.12.2014 mam potvrzeno 268 zemi DXCC. Jsem clenem CRK, CLC, S.F.B.Morse, 30MDG, DMC a EPC klubu.


From May 2007 till now I work with my own new Yaesu FT-897D into GP and LW 40 m antennas.
Translation into Czech language(bez hacku a carek hi):
Od kvetna 2007 pracuji s mym novym zarizenim Yaesu FT-897D do GP a LW 40 m anten.

Other images

second pic
OK2-9329 / Pic 2

Rev. 0846aabfd5